The Share Donation Charity

020 7930 3737

Solicitors & Professional Advisors

ShareGift is routinely used by solicitors, accountants and other professional advisers whose clients wish to donate small holdings, or where such holdings form part of deceased estates.

If any relevant legal paperwork has already been correctly lodged with the registrars of the Company, and you have the valid share certificate(s), we can prepare the transfer form(s) for your client:

Following recent regulatory changes we may need additional details in order to complete certain donations. We will contact you if this is necessary. 

For shares from deceased estates where legal documentation has not yet been registered, you can proceed by lodging the legal paperwork and arranging the transfers into our name at the same time. Proceeding in this way will reduce the overall amount of correspondence on all sides, and cut down on your costs as well as ours. If you have any queries as to which transfer form to use, please contact us or the registrars directly. Transfers to ShareGift are for nil consideration and are therefore free from Stamp Duty, and this should be indicated when completing the transfer form. Our registration details are:

The Orr Mackintosh Foundation Ltd, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU

Arranging the transfer directly with the registrars of the Company will also mean that you have the opportunity to receive confirmation of the change of ownership for your own records.

Alternatively you can send us details of the shareholding together with a sealed grant of probate. We can then lodge the probate with the registrars of the company once we have the signed transfer form from the executors. 

FAQ for Solicitors

What if my client wishes to leave a legacy to ShareGift in their will?

Please refer to our notes on leaving a legacy to ShareGift here. Should you have any queries please contact us. 

We would rather keep costs down for our client. Can they arrange the transfer of the shares with you directly?

Yes. We often receive donations from the executors of estates. Please refer them to the relevant information or ask them to contact us.

The share certificate(s) have been lost. How should we proceed?

Send us details of the shareholding and we will let you know how best to proceed. In most cases this is relatively straightforward.

Can shares registered overseas be transferred to you?

In most cases yes, however we cannot register the legal paperwork for you. We request that you transfer the shares into our name when lodging the legal paperwork. If the death has already been registered overseas, please contact us and we will assist with the transfer if we can. 

Will you send confirmation of the ultimate transfer of shares?

We do not send confirmation of transfers as a matter of course. We receive thousands of donations of shares every year and the administrative burden would be too great. If you do require a confirmation on the transfer we recommend that you undertake the transfer of the shares into our name. The registrars will send you the share certificate duly re-registered into our name. You can then mark the matter complete and forward us the share certificate.




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